Professor Pam Enderby: “The Rockstar of Speech and Language Therapy!”

Article by: Neil Bindemann

One afternoon in 2021 my wife was talking with a lady wishing to book an appointment with the consultant physician she worked with. The lady mentioned that she was a speech and language therapist, and as part of her calming approach to patients and knowing of Pam, due to my work, my wife asked if she knew Pam. The lady replied, “Oh yes, she is regarded as the rockstar of speech and language therapy”. Having worked with Pam since 2006, which has been both a joy and privilege, this is one of best descriptions that I have heard.

In November, allied health professionals and therapists from across the UK will come together at TOMs CONNECT 22 to celebrate over 40 years of measuring therapy outcomes.

Earlier this year, as part of the run up to the event, I tweeted a clip from an informal conversation I had with Pam from the 2020 conference. The clip, which has been viewed more than 3000 times, shares 2 magical moments: how her career began and her passion for speech and language therapy, which was influenced by her father having 3 strokes.

The tweeted replies give a sense of how people who have worked with Pam feel about her and the work that she has done throughout her career.

  • “What a legend Prof Enderby is in our field! I’m glad she persisted with #salt #SLT”
  • “A legend in her lifetime of rehabilitation research…A #SpeechAndLanguageTherapy history maker.”
  • “Is it no wonder that Pam Enderby is a national, nay international treasure? I have admired her so much over the years and find it incredible that her energy and passion for SLT has never waned. Loving her stewardship of IALP too. Enjoyed this recorded interview very much”
  • “An inspiring lady who continues to support the world of rehabilitation research through the likes #outcomedata research”
  • “An amazing career and truly inspiring woman”
  • “A must see – such an inspiration and what impact Pam has had on so many lives on so many ways”

Professor Diane Playford has worked and collaborated with Pam, and offers these thoughts:

Pam has been a driving force in speech therapy and rehabilitation for as long as I can remember.  She is a powerful advocate for speech therapy, multidisciplinary working, rehabilitation of all kinds but most of all the patients. Personally, I’ve always enjoyed her company, she is energetic, knowledgeable, thoughtful, and funny. She isn’t afraid to challenge ideas, and where necessary individuals, but she is generous with her time and expertise and kind when providing feedback. Her contribution to speech and language, looking at structure and processes needed to deliver rehabilitation, and measuring outcome is unparalleled. On any measure of excellence, Pam would score above the ceiling!

So, we invite you to TOMs CONNECT 2022, a day of celebration on 15th November at Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Birmingham. The event will showcase how more than 40 years of measuring therapy outcomes has contributed to providing so many services across the UK, and now internationally, with data and evidence to highlight their impact and value. 

To learn more about the conference, which all ACNR readers can attend with a special discount, please visit To request the code, please email and add ACNR discount enquiry in the subject of the email.

To watch the interview with Pam, when she talks with Neil Bindemann about her father’s strokes being an influence in her speech and language career, go to