Our Authors

Alexandra Rizos

Alexandra Rizos

Neuroscience Research Manager at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Mubasher A Qamar

Mubasher A Qamar

Clinical Researcher at King’s College Hospital

Sarah Gillett

Sarah Gillett

Managing Director of the Neurology Academy

Rodger Llewellyn Wood

Rodger Llewellyn Wood

BA, DCP, PhD, DSc, C Psych, FBPsS

Professor Emeritus of Clinical Neuropsychology

Claire Williams

Claire Williams

BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD

Associate Professor, Psychology

Nick Alderman

Nick Alderman

(Hons) MAppSci, PhD, CPsychol, CSci, FBPsS

Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist

Saw Ling Toh

Saw Ling Toh

Neurology Registrar

Catherine (Kate) Scott

Catherine (Kate) Scott


Christine Taylor

Christine Taylor

Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry