Category: Covid-19

Predatory conferences

What are they and how do you spot them? Unfortunately, some organisers create predatory conferences designed simply to make money rather than further scientific endeavour. When choosing where to submit posters and abstracts, or attending as a delegate or speaker, you need to be assured of the quality of a conference. So how do you…

COVID-19 Rehabilitation: UK data on rehabilitation needs & management pathways

If you missed this webinar focused on COVID-19 rehabilitation, which took place on the 20th of July, we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to watch it from here until the end of August 2020. The objective of the webinar was for professionals to share local data on COVID-19 short-term and long-term symptoms in…

Postpone, cancel, or go online with your healthcare event?

Having spent more than 14 years in the Events Industry, five of which heading up the Events delivery and strategy for an International Pharmaceutical Company, Gail set up Elementary Events, an independent Events Agency specialising in the Healthcare Sector. Gail holds the Level 3 Diploma in the promotion of medicines from the ABPI, which ensures…