Category: Epilepsy

Predatory conferences

What are they and how do you spot them? Unfortunately, some organisers create predatory conferences designed simply to make money rather than further scientific endeavour. When choosing where to submit posters and abstracts, or attending as a delegate or speaker, you need to be assured of the quality of a conference. So how do you…

“Medical management of drug-resistant epilepsy syndromes” live epilepsy webinar, 1800-1930 BST, Wednesday 28th September

Be sure to register soon! What do you need to know when managing patients with drug-resistant epilepsy? Four international speakers outline their approach in this 100% live EACCME-accredited webinar on “Medical management of drug-resistant epilepsy syndromes”, focusing on: Defining drug-resistant epilepsy: what is the consensus? Management of drug-resistant epilepsy: where are we now? New and…