Category: Neuropsychiatry

Predatory conferences

What are they and how do you spot them? Unfortunately, some organisers create predatory conferences designed simply to make money rather than further scientific endeavour. When choosing where to submit posters and abstracts, or attending as a delegate or speaker, you need to be assured of the quality of a conference. So how do you…

The Essentials of Neuropsychiatry – BNPA teaching weekend

9-11 December, 2022; London, UK Register at British Neuropsychiatry Association Read our report on the 2021 BNPA meeting. Day 1 – Friday 9th December 2022 The Neurobiology of Emotion – Paul Johns, Consultant neuropathologist and Honorary Reader in Clinical Neuroanatomy at St George’s, University of London Neurological assessment for psychiatrists – Adam Zeman Professor of…