Category: Parkinson's disease

Predatory conferences

What are they and how do you spot them? Unfortunately, some organisers create predatory conferences designed simply to make money rather than further scientific endeavour. When choosing where to submit posters and abstracts, or attending as a delegate or speaker, you need to be assured of the quality of a conference. So how do you…

6th World Parkinson Congress

Conference details: 4 – 7 July 2023 – Barcelona, Spain Registration is now open for the Sixth World Parkinson Congress, also known as the WPC 2023. This event will unite the global Parkinson’s community 4 – 7 July 2023 in Barcelona, Spain. The four-day long programme will offer a unique experience for researchers, clinicians, rehabilitation…

Cure Parkinson’s International Linked Clinical Trials Meeting

Cure Parkinson’s annually coordinates the International Linked Clinical Trials (iLCT) meeting to rank and prioritise therapies that may have the potential to modify the course of Parkinson’s progression. In addition, the iLCT committee receives updates of ongoing studies and clinical trial-related topics. Read more about the meeting here. Don’t miss the Cure Parkinson’s Autumn Research…