Preview: 28th Alzheimer Europe Conference

The 28th Alzheimer Europe Conference which will be organised in collaboration with CEAFA and Fundación Alzheimer España in Barcelona from 29 to 31 October 2018.

This year’s conference will be held under the motto “Making dementia a European priority”.

As in previous years, the 2018 conference will be a great networking opportunity which will bring together people with dementia, their carers, volunteers and staff of Alzheimer associations, policy makers, health and social care professionals, researchers, academics and industry representatives from all over Europe and beyond.

A number of key topics have been identified for which participants are invited to submit abstracts. In previous years there were more than 300 abstracts for oral and poster presentations. The call for abstracts covers four broad fields (Policies and strategies, Care approaches, Care services, Rights and dementia-friendly society, Genetics, prevention and treatment), promoting a multi-disciplinary and multi-professional approach to dementia.

The organisers are deeply grateful to the health programme of the European Union which supports the activities of Alzheimer Europe in general and this Annual Conference in particular. This support makes it possible to provide highly competitive registration rates for a truly unique conference.

Alzheimers Europe look forward to welcoming you in Barcelona from 29 and 31 October 2018.