ABN and INA 2023 Joint Meeting


We are excited to offer you the opportunity to join us at the ABN & INA 2023 Joint Meeting at the ICC in Belfast on May 9, 10-12.

The meeting has a rich and diverse programme of plenaries, parallel sessions and posters, symposia, specialist interest groups and invited lectures.

Our plenaries cover the broad themes of neurological pathogenic mechanisms in degenerative disease, pain and epilepsy, neurotherapeutics of genetics, stroke and tumours, difficult management issues in hormonal migraine, neuromuscular diseases and MS, and neurology at different ages. We also have a video session comprising movement disorders, sleep and neuro-ophthalmology. Invited lecturer include Mary Reilly from UCLH (ABN Medallist lecture), Sam Lhatoo from Houston (ABN Gordon Holmes lecture) and the INA Sydney Allison lecture.

The platforms and posters will showcase the best of clinicoacademic work across our countries and beyond. As ever the final day includes our ever-popular case competition and CPC, where neurology riddles will be discussed and solved. We get to network, socialise, run, float and dance with colleagues!

Please sign up via the ABN website: abn-ina-belfast23.org

The ABN and IICN acknowledge the generous support from our sponsors. The sponsoring companies did not initiate this meeting and have had no input into the content/programme or organisation of this educational meeting.