Date: 20 Mar 2025
Lateral Skull Base Approaches Course
Venue: National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG
Event Notes:
Simulation workshop on the operative techniques & nuances of lateral skull based approaches using high-fidelity models. Experience dedicated teaching and simulation on retrosigmoid, middle fossa, and translabyrinthine approaches. This course is an excellent opportunity for neurosurgical and ENT trainees!
Course Director: Mr Patrick Grover
Course Lead: Dr Musa China
Course Organisers: Mr Danny Chen, Dr George Richardson, Dr Francesco Magni, Dr James Davis
Hands on experience of drills and operating microscopes.
Certificates of attendance provided.
Coffee and lunch provided.
Target audience: Neurosurgery and ENT trainees
£200 (external)
£100 (internal NHNN)