Date: 28 Mar 2023

The Roger Bannister Memorial Lecture and The Gordon Holmes Prize

Venue: Royal Society of Medicine London, UK


Event Notes:

Attend the well-renowned, annual Roger Bannister Memorial Lecture to learn about recent discoveries and observations in how the brain controls the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

The ANS controls the function of multiple systems (including cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary) and research is now exploring how clinicians can harness neural circuitry to modulate autonomic activity and develop novel treatments for debilitating conditions.

Professor Alexander Green demonstrated how blood pressure, respiratory and urinary functions could be influenced using neuromodulation, which has since reinvigorated research into ANS surgery. During this event, we will explore recent landmarks in this field and how we can harness the ANS for therapy while honouring Sir Roger Bannister’s legacy.

Attend this event to:

Learn about autonomic circuits within the brain
Understand how these circuits can be modulated to alter the function of different systems
Gain awareness of neurosurgical treatments currently in trail, including a new treatment for multiple system atrophy

Clinical Neurosciences Section: Gordon Holmes Prize

Deadline: Tuesday 28 February 2023

Open to: Students and trainees in neurosciences, including neurology, neurosurgery, neurophysiology, neuropathology or neuroradiology