Date: 11 Jun 2025

Traumatic Brain Injury

Venue: Hybrid (onsite/virtual)


Event Notes:

Traumatic Brain Injury – 11 June 2025 (Hybrid, 1 day) Virtual OR Face to face
St George’s, University of London
Course lead:  Dr Colette Griffin
Fee: From £30
For more information and to register:

Why join the course?

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a very important aspect of medical education and is often not taught specifically in either undergraduate or postgraduate courses. St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has one of the few dedicated TBI services in the country. The TBI team have developed this one-day teaching course to focus on the clinical management of this patient group. A particular focus will be the inter-disciplinary team management of TBI patients. The entire multi-disciplinary team (MDT) will be presenting during this teaching day.

Course Description

The course will cover: TBI presentations, the common complications of the pathology, understanding the importance of inter-disciplinary team working and how the various allied health professional members of the team integrate with the medical staff. The course will also concentrate on important topics such as the Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty and the management of the patient with behaviours of concern. These are critical to all healthcare professionals daily. The course will be interactive and there will be an MDT panel question and answer session in addition. A TBI patient plus their family will give a talk and this will enable delegates to learn more about the pathology from a patient and family perspective.

It is hoped that delegates will be able to understand the way in which an MDT work together in an inter-disciplinary way, understand the common presentations of a TBI, understand the principles behind the treatment of the acutely agitated patients, understand the Mental Capacity Act and the Deprivation of Liberty clause, and why these are important patient safeguards. It is hoped that this one-day course will increase interest within this field. It is also hoped that this increased interest will lead to more professionals developing an interest in this area. Hopefully this will in turn lead to the development of further such specialist services nationally.

This is a one-day hybrid course. Delegates can choose to attend face to face or online via MS Teams. Delegates will be provided a certificate of attendance and CPD credits will be sought from the Royal College of Physicians.