Volume 23, Issue 2
From the Editor
Todd Hardy, ACNR Co-Editor
This issue of ACNR showcases a suite of contributions from leading experts in neurology and related fields.
Robbie Bell and Kirstie Anderson from Newcastle open proceedings with an article linking poor sleep among inpatients with ambient hospital noise, and explore ways to reduce noise on the ward and facilitate better sleep.
Anurag Sahoo, Mohamad Abdalkader, Marc Fisher and Than Nguyen from Boston together with Xiaochuan Huo and Zhongrong Miao from Beijing appraise 6 recently published trials recommending mechanical thrombectomy for large vessel occlusion stroke.
Mohammad Reza Ashragi and Maria Isabel Leite from Oxford tackle how best to approach management of myasthenia gravis in older patients – a group with a greater burden of co-morbidity and greater susceptibility to the adverse effects of treatment compared to their younger counterparts.
From London, Kate Kelly, Susan Jane Hourihan and Rebecca Jeffcott assess the evidence for upper limb splinting in neurological rehabilitation and illustrate the text with examples of different splints and their applications.
Our neurosurgical article is from Phillip Correia Copley, Emily Foster, Callum Cruikshank, Sadaquate Khan and Paul Brennan from Edinburgh. They summarise the approach to cervical vertebral fracture in older or frail patients and argue for comprehensive multidisciplinary care involving orthogeriatricians.
JMS Pearce’s historical article shines a light on cervical spondylosis and related cervical pathology. It is staggering to think that it was only in 1952 that cervical degenerative disease was recognised as a cause of myelopathy.
ACNR’s obituary is a commemoration of the life of leading Welsh neurologist J Gareth Llewelyn.
Conference reports are from Stephen Ashford writing about the Society for Research in Rehabilitation Winter Conference 2024 in London, EJ Newman on the MDS 2024 Congress in Philadelphia, and Viva Levee and Emily Rushton-Smith Atkinson on the 2024 Association of British Neurologists Annual Meeting in Edinburgh.
Our book review from Rhys Davies is of a poetry collection, “Neurological Birdsong”, by Neurologist AJ Lees.
We hope you enjoy this edition of ACNR.
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Table of Contents
Sleep Article
- Sleep disturbance in hospital – What can be done for a quiet night?
Robbie Bell, Kirstie Anderson
Stroke Article
- Mechanical thrombectomy for large vessel occlusion with large ischaemic core
Anurag Sahoo, Mohamad Abdalkader, Xiaochuan Huo, Zhongrong Miao, Marc Fisher, Thanh N. Nguyen
Myasthenia Gravis Article
- Myasthenia gravis and the elderly
Mohammad Reza Ashraghi, Maria Isabel Leite
Rehabilitation Article
- Functional splinting to promote upper limb function in neurological conditions:
‘Keeping the hand in the game’
Kate Kelly, Susan Jane Hourihan, Rebecca Jeffcott
Neurosurgery Article
- Improving outcomes for older or frail patients with cervical spine fractures
Phillip Correia Copley, Emily Foster, Callum Cruickshank, Sadaquate Khan, Paul M Brennan
History of Neurology
- Early accounts of cervical spondylosis
JMS Pearce
Book Reviews
- Neurological Birdsong
Rhys Davies
Conference News
- Society for Research in Rehabilitation Winter Conference
- MDS Congress
- Association of British Neurologists Annual Meeting 2024
- Laura Benjamin – Federick Murgatroyd Prize
- Professor Anna Williams and Professor Tilo Kunath appointed as Co-Directors of the Centre for Regenerative Medicine
- Sarah Tabrizi elected to the US National Academy of Medicine
- Professor Oliver Bandmann – 2024 Tom Isaacs Award