ACNR Resources

We’ve collected a number of useful resources in this area including ACNR produced podcasts and video. There are also recorded lectures, conference presentations and webinar recordings we think are interesting for our audience.

ACNR Podcast: Neurovoices

We are delighted to bring you the ACNR’s ‘Neurovoices’ podcasts. In this series, we speak to some of the leading figures in neurology and rehabilitation and gain an insight into their life and work.

As ACNR was 20 years old in 2021, it seemed fitting to start with founding editor Professor Roger BarkerUniversity of Cambridge, UK. In this first of a two-part episode, Neurology Registrar Sri Kodali has an entertaining chat with Roger and ACNR Publisher Rachael Hansford, and finds out how it all started.

In part 2 of the podcast, Sri spoke to Roger Barker about his early life and career.

Read the transcript here.

ACNR Documentary: Mentored by a Madman. The William Burroughs Experiment

A conversation with Professor Andrew Lees and Mike Zandi.

Hanging out with the molecules. A guide to neurology, discovery, Parkinson’s Disease, William Burroughs, William Gowers, Conan Doyle, Jean-Martin Charcot, Queen Square, London. 

Epilepsy webcasts – Exploring Connections – Delivering Essential Care in Neurology

Exploring Connections is a live EACCME-accredited webinar series designed to increase confidence in recognising neurological syndromes and providing appropriate diagnosis and management. The initiative is led by Dr Heather Angus-Leppan, Consultant Neurologist and Epilepsy Lead at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, and Honorary Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital, University College London. The programme is delivered by an international faculty of world-leading neurology experts. This very successful initiative began in July 2020, each event is available on-demand post-broadcast for an accredited learning experience. Click here to access the full range of webinars available on demand.

Epilepsy and COVID-19: overcoming the challenges
(15th July 2020)
Dr Heather Angus-Leppan, Professor Helen Cross, Professor John Paul Leach, Professor Bettina Schmitz
Duration: 1 hour 30 mins

This activity is funded by an educational grant from UCB BioPharma SRL. UCB engaged IMP to develop the programme independently; UCB has no editorial input to the faculty or agenda.

Epilepsy in the elderly: tracing the origins, treating the disease
(16th September 2020)
Professor Heather Angus-Leppan (Chair), Professor Martin Brodie, Professor Ley Sander, Dr Günter Krämer
Duration: 1 hour 25 mins

This activity is funded by an educational grant from UCB BioPharma SRL. UCB engaged IMP to develop the programme independently; UCB has no editorial input to the faculty or agenda.

Managing epilepsy in a virtual world: do we really need EEGs?
(29th September 2020)
Professor Heather Angus-Leppan, Dr Tejal Mitchell, Professor Robert Fisher, Professor Eugen Trinka
Duration: 1 hour 29 mins

This activity is funded by an educational grant from UCB BioPharma SRL. UCB engaged IMP to develop the programme independently; UCB has no editorial input to the faculty or agenda.

Pregnancy, birth and beyond: managing women with epilepsy who are planning to have a child
(28th October 2020)
Professor Heather Angus-Leppan, Kim Morley, Professor Torbjörn Tomson, Professor Shakila Thangaratinam
Duration: 1 hour 29 mins

This activity is funded by an educational grant from UCB BioPharma SRL. UCB engaged IMP to develop the programme independently; UCB has no editorial input to the faculty or agenda.