Walk with Path

Source: Walk with Path
Published online: 8/1/18

Walk With Path is a health-tech start-up focused on improving mobility and reducing the risk of falls across a broad population, including the elderly and those with chronic diseases. The company launched its rst product, Path Finder, in June 2017. Since then, there has been positive feedback from people with Parkinson’s disease.

Path Finder is designed to alleviate ‘freezing of gait’ in Parkinson’s disease, by providing visual cues that act as external triggers.

The company also recently started studies with UCL, looking at how the next product, Path Feel, can aid people in improving balance. Path Feel is an insole designed to improve balance. It provides a vibrational feedback to the soles of the feet, to assist those with neuropathies and general balance issues, feel more balanced and confident.

Future falls prevention workshops will be hosted in central London next year. For more information email Neil@innervate.co.uk