Specialist Neurological Rehabilitation Service in Lincoln rated Outstanding by the CQC

Source: The Christchurch Group
Published online: 8/1/18

A neurological rehabilitation centre in Lincolnshire has been rated ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), placing it in the top 1% of healthcare services in the UK.

The Laurels, which opened in 2014 and is run by Christchurch Group, provides specialist community-based transitional rehabilitation in north-east Lincoln. It supports adults with neurological conditions resulting from injury, illness or disease. The service offers accommodation for 12 residents and is a Headway Approved Provider.

Inspectors praised the service for its calm and caring atmosphere, its strong, values-led leadership and the creative and individualised approach to support displayed by the registered manager and staff, which provided clear therapeutic benefits for residents. The CQC also highlighted how residents were actively involved in the preparation and on-going review of their personal care plan and supported to make decisions about how they wanted to be supported.

Richard McKenzie, Christchurch Group Chief Operations Officer, added:

I am delighted that the Laurels has been awarded ‘Outstanding’ status. We are proud to deliver life-changing, evidence-based outcomes for adults with neurological conditions. To have a service recognised as being in the top 1% of regulated healthcare services in the UK is an incredible achievement.